Rollz walker supporting an old parent

Supporting your parents through their golden years

Currently, there are approximately 2.500 centenarians living in the Netherlands. Reaching such a milestone is a wonderful achievement, often not accomplished alone. The people around the centenarian play a significant role in this, and how wonderful is it if, as a child, you can support your parent(s) to enjoy this stage of life as comfortably … Continued

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Disability acceptance

I was optimistic about my life before my disability. Nothing seemed too crazy. I had a job I enjoyed, a husband, three children, and a life filled with many activities. The complaints started in 2017 when I began to walk unsteadily, felt tired, and my balance was not always good. I went to the doctor, … Continued

Girl walking with a pink rollator while having mobility issues

Active with mobility issues

Optimal levels of physical activity have been associated with longevity and an overall enhanced quality of life. It’s important for people to understand the advantages of maintaining an active lifestyle to enjoy the benefits of prolonged mobility.

Woman driving a Rollz Motion Electric wheelchair outdoors

Foldable electric wheelchair for adults

Finding the right mobility aid is essential for adults facing walking challenges. A compact and foldable electric wheelchair can provide the freedom and independence to navigate daily life more easily. Discover the benefits, features, and versatility of foldable electric wheelchairs for adults, and how they can enhance daily life.  

Mobility aids in movies

Mobility aids are not simply tools; they symbolize autonomy and independence. Despite their undeniable utility, societal biases have cast them as undesirable and steeped in social stigma over time.

all terrain rollator walker

Best rollator walker for rough surfaces

In this guide, we’ll explore the top features and expert tips from Rollz product specialist Dyan Selier to help you find the perfect off-road rollator for rough surfaces and uneven terrain.  

Rollator walker for tall persons

Finding the right rollator walker can be challenging for taller individuals, as standard models often cause discomfort and poor posture. Learn about rollators designed to help tall persons maintain an upright position.  

Mobility aids 101 by Ardra Shephard from Tripping on Air

Mobility Aids 101

Navigating mobility challenges can be a journey with many ups and downs, involving a lot of self-reflection and practical decision-making.

Man using mobility aids in a museum

Mobility aids supporting disabled artists

Artists are said to perceive the world through different lenses, and it is their vision that ignites their creativity. In art, creativity flourishes when an artist’s vision transcends conventional boundaries, evoking deep emotions and inspiring profound introspection.