Mobility insights and practical strategies

Contribute to the overall well-being of your patients or clients

As crucial members of the healthcare community, professionals like doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and caregivers play a pivotal role in improving patients' overall well-being. By providing practical tips, adaptive techniques, and supportive resources, healthcare professionals can enhance their ability to create a safe environment for their patients or clients and guide them towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Mobility tips for healthcare professionals
Woman walking with a Parkison's rollator as Parkinson's study shows benefits in using a walker with cues


Walking outdoors: tools for the kit bag

Going out for a walk when living with Parkinson’s Disease, and indeed without, is an activity with many health benefits. Walking is an excellent, free exercise which helps one to remain active and live a fulfilling life. More specific to Parkinson’s Disease and other neurological conditions, is the importance of preparation – deciding which tools to take along. Whether preparing for an amble or a wander, what we choose to bring along with us can help ensure we safely can reap those benefits to our health.


Prescribing stable rollators

Rollators are designed to assist people who require additional support while walking, aiming to supplement their level of mobility to maintain or increase independence. However, there are rollators of inferior quality that pose risks to the users. It is therefore important for healthcare professionals to guide their patients towards good quality mobility aids. This article provides insights and tools to consider when prescribing rollators.

Man walking with the new Rollz Flex 2 rollator in the city
Senior sitting in a Rollz Motion rollator transformed into a wheelchair

Fall prevention

Falling and the rhythm of life

Our world is filled with rhythm and flow, from circadian, to the pulsing of blood pumping through our veins, the thrumming of cars and planes transporting people to and from, even the gentle lapping of the tidal waves. There is cadence in all aspects of living, so why does one occasionally feel out of sync and thrown off their rhythm and what can be done about it?

A feeling of being a little off kilter can often occur following an alarming event such as a fall or from the fear of falling itself. Perhaps this personal trauma may be contributing to the disruption of daily routines, sleep and exacerbating physical health problems which are becoming more challenging.

Daily life activities

How the modern world helps shape independence

Going back only a few decades life was quite different from what it is today. Community was thought of in a much smaller, close-knit way. This generally included our immediate neighbourhood, family, good friends, work colleagues, shopkeepers and perhaps whoever delivered the daily post & parcels each week. However with the passage of time, the world and technology have evolved quite a bit. And now due to the developments in travel, industry, employment, and healthcare, the modern world has expanded this sense of community worldwide with global access and vitually unlimited opportunities for meaningful involvement.

Woman driving a Rollz Motion Electric wheelchair in a market

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Healthcare professionals are best placed to provide relevant clinical content. Therefore, we encourage anyone who would like to share their expertise on mobility or impact on function to contact us at [email protected].

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For children with disabilities, animal-assisted therapy can present a wide range of both physical and mental health benefits, including helping to stay active and providing support to those using mobility aids.

Developing wheelchairs requires a focus on increasing safety and quality control to promote safe and correct use while limiting risks. Beyond these primary objectives, design, application, and user convenience are secondary factors that significantly influence user choice when purchasing a wheelchair.